Productive Districts

Productive Districts

Productive districts are an aggregative form promoted by Law 317/92. Later referred to in various sectoral regulations and for programmatic objectives (Territorial Pacts) Rural and agri-food districts were born in 2001 with Legislative Decree 228/2001 Art. 13 and are...
Irrigation and container crops

Irrigation and container crops

In agriculture and ornamental floriculture in particular, attention must pay attention to the best use of the water resource both to limit the environmental impact of the activity and to keep production costs as low as possible. Most modern irrigation techniques make...
Ferrini re-elected president of Pistoia Nursery District

Ferrini re-elected president of Pistoia Nursery District

Another three-year term for Prof. Francesco Ferrini, who was unanimously re-elected last night by the assembly of the Pistoia Ornamental Nursery District. His goals: “inclusion in the District of all stakeholders in the area and internationalization.” Next...