Productive Districts

10 July 2024

Productive districts are an aggregative form promoted by Law 317/92. Later referred to in various sectoral regulations and for programmatic objectives (Territorial Pacts)

Rural and agri-food districts were born in 2001 with Legislative Decree 228/2001 Art. 13 and are an important tool for promoting different territories and production vocations.

Their application is also regulated by regional regulations (Tuscany, Emilia Romagna, Lazio, Friuli Venezia Giulia, etc.) that have regulated the constitution of rural districts, Agribusiness and Biodistricts with different regulatory actions.

Districts also in the field of floriculture are established to promote:

  • rural development of the area,
  • valorise the historical and productive identity of the area
  • consolidate the integration of different local activities participating to the production process.

In conclusion, the district is characterized by : strong relations with other productive sectors (commercial, service and industrial) and within the sector, positive relations with the social fabric and culture of the areas of settlement.

Finally, it should be noted that with the L. 266/05 that governs the productive districts at national level also conferring legal subjectivity :

  • Districts are defined as free aggregations of enterprises articulated both territorially and functionally.
  • Paragraph 368 contains tax, administrative, financial and promotion,research and development provisions.

Flormart Green Italy will deepen the knowledge of district realities with a special seminar initiative and is an opportunity for all Districts to present their activities.