In August and September, every Friday evening, replicas of the Coldiretti-Assofloro GreenWebinars.

28 August 2024

Interest in the GreenWebinars went beyond all expectations, with an average of 400/450 actual participants for each webinar and with extremely positive feedback thanks also to the involvement of nationally and internationally renowned speakers.

A total of 4,650 participants from all over Italy and also from abroad, including public administrators, researchers, companies from all sectors of the horticultural sector (floriculturists, nurserymen, gardeners, arboriculturists), professionals, researchers, professors and students from universities and technical institutes, were totaled in the 11 events. 

The replicas will be held every Friday evening, from 9-10:30 p.m., according to the schedule in the link below.

How to register for the GreenWebinars

Participation in the GreenWebinars is free of charge and intended for civil servants, professionals, trainers, researchers, horticultural companies, teachers and students.

Registration required, through the form provided for each GreenWebinar.

GreenWebinars will be held on the professional platform GotoWebinar.

Once the registration is done, the GotoWebinar platform will automatically send an email with the link to connect.

Link with the schedule and registration form: